Marga Esteve

#cafeHUGES with Marga Esteve @margaesteve  Director of Nursing Hospital de Sant Pau Barcelona @HospitalSantPau

What is humanization for you?
Everything that refers to care centered on the person and family with a holistic vision in which dignity and respect are contemplated, being perceived by the person.

Do you have any personal experience in the world of humanization in health?
Yes, in different projects such as:

  • Home care in pediatric palliative patients in which the nurse is always next to the patient and the family.
  • Music therapy application in the ICU.
  • Opening of the ICU to families.
  • Take into account the patient’s wishes in the end of life processes.
  • Reduce the anguish that children may have when entering the operating room, accompanying them with activities such as those performed by clowns from Pallapupas. It is being assessed that they are also at the moment they wake up.
  • In hospitalization units, alerts of environmental noise through sound level meters such as electronic ear

How would you humanize the world of management?
Defining the mission and institutional values, aligned with the selection of professionals. Professionals should be chosen based on these values ​​getting their impregnation. The discourse of humanization must be consistent with the defined values. Constant transmission to the equipment is important, since what influences is the example. Careful, comfortable and relaxed environments must be generated, with the Directorate being the example.

Do you think that values ​​and ethics go hand in hand when re-humanizing the organization?
It is essential. Ethical principles in the defense of fairness and justice must be intrinsic in values.

Where should humanization begin?
From each professional that integrates the organization.

Do you know any historical person who was humanizing?
Yes, Vicenç Ferrer, Teresa de Calcutta, Florence Nightingale, Mahatma Gandhi, Nelson Mandela, among others.

Because of your experience as a nurse manager, how do you think should focus HUGES their activities?
Explaining and training professionals with objectives and tools that facilitate humanization.


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